Hey gang, was messing with the idle on my H/C car while i had some spair time... none the less... i was trying to pay particular attention to the follower and cracker, trying to see what they are doing in relation to my idle and surges etc.
what i was looking for are some guidelines... what should be doing what and when should it be doing it...
there are plenty of tables describing these tables but i couldnt find anything that concretly said.... adjust decay when X scenerio's occur, adjust total value why X scenerio occurs, adjust follower when this happens, adjust cracker when this type of thing happens...
my problem tends to be a decel surge(more rarely a stall), generally after an agressive throttle transition... say i do a quick rolling burp to spin the tires at a low MPH, often if i let off the gas completly, what will happen is either a surge, or a stall all together... do i need to make my follower/cracker tables more aggressive? decay slower?
my ltit and stit are zero +/- .2-.3 g/sec....
let me know your thoughts... and perhaps some things to look for...